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Find freelance writing jobs for beginners in 5 simple steps.

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Most people turn to freelancing platforms to find freelance writing jobs for beginners. Yet, they fail to land themselves a single writing gig. As a result, they get discouraged and refrain from putting in any more effort.

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr have great potential. Yet, they are not the best choice for a beginner. Unless you have a good portfolio, you will fail to attract clients. Instead, use these 5 simple steps to find freelance writing jobs as a beginner. 

  1. Determine the niche
  2. Build a portfolio
  3. What services to offer?
  4. Find businesses that need your help
  • Approach local businesses
  • Partner up with startups
  • Start networking with other freelancers
  • Connect with a local web design agency

5. Learn how to pitch

1. Determine the niche

Being a generalist affects your earning potential. So, decide on a target area of work or a niche. For starters, answer these two questions.

  • What is your expertise?
  • Which topics do you love to write about?

The answer to the first question will determine the industry and second the niche. Focusing on one niche will enable you to establish your expertise as a niche writer.

If you find it hard to determine a niche, reflect on the work you have done in the past. Look at what topics came easy to you.

2. Build a portfolio: –

You are not alone out there looking for freelance writing jobs. No matter your industry, you’ll face lots of competition. It requires you to establish expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. 

This is where a portfolio comes into play. It enables you to showcase your work and stand out from the competition. 

The best way to make a portfolio is to start a blog and self-publish. Another way is to start guest blogging for niche websites

Type [your industry] + write for us in the Google search console. You’ll see top industry-specific websites that accept guest posts. Choose a website with a domain authority between 21 and 70. These websites are authoritative and are easier to get your article featured on. 

Once you find a perfect website to guest blog for, start reading their published work. It will give you an idea about the type of content they like. Then go through their guest blogging guidelines. It includes detailed instructions about the formatting, punctuation, and tone you must follow.

Some guest blogging websites pay you to write for them. It can even be your first paid freelance writing job. And if not, you end up claiming a valuable entry for your portfolio. In any case, it’s a win for you. 

3. What services to offer?

There are various services you can offer as a freelance writer. Some of them are as follows: 

  • Web content writing
  • Web copywriting
  • Social media content
  • Guest blogging
  • Product description, etc.

Remember, you must make a portfolio for whatever services you choose. Hence, it is better to focus on one skill as a beginner. 

4. Find businesses that need help: –

Here are 4 ways to find freelance writing jobs as a beginner.

1. Approach local businesses: –

While pitching to a job board might seem fascinating, it has its downsides. Further, freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are no exception. These platforms are competitive, and you have to fight to the bottom of the price. In other words, these platforms are not the best choice to find freelance writing jobs for beginners.

So, what’s the solution? It’s a simple look around. Find local businesses that can benefit from your expertise. For example, if you are a medical writer, look for solo practitioners without a website. Or, find a hospital with low online visibility.

There are various ways to find businesses that need your help. For example, You will find several valuable leads in a local business directory

Collect and organize the data of at least 20 businesses in a Google Sheet. It will simplify the pitching process for you.

2. Partner up with startups: –

Personally, I find it fascinating to work with startups. You get to work with a community of hustlers trying to make their mark. It gives you a sense of purpose and responsibility for the organization. Further, it is one of the best ways to find freelance writing jobs for beginners.

Use startup directories and incubator websites to find startup data. Filter out startups by your respective industry and a workforce of less than 150 employees. Look for their company names and the services they provide. Track down the head of hiring.  

Again, use a Google sheet to collect and organize data for at least 20 startups. Now, look for ways you can help these startups. Land on their website and see how often they publish blogs. If they are not frequent, you can work as a freelance blog writer for them.

If you find them missing out on social media visibility, offer to write for their social media handles. 

3. Start networking with others in your industry: –

Be active on social media, specifically on LinkedIn and Twitter. These platforms are best suited for professional outreach.

Connect with other freelancers and industry bloggers on LinkedIn. Follow their posts, like, and comment when appropriate. You can also message them to appreciate an article they created. Take a natural interest, and don’t overdo it. 

You can also spark conversations by asking relevant questions. For example, you can ask other freelancers about their freelancing journey. Ask for their opinion on how much you should charge. Ask them to contribute a quote to your upcoming article.

You can also take your relationship to the next level by interviewing one of them. What you are doing is getting the word out for your freelancing business. And don’t be surprised if one of your connections refers a freelancing project your way.

4. Connect with a local web design agency: –

Web design agencies are often flooded with work and need skilled copywriters to fulfill demands.

Let them know that you are open to work. You can either send an email or connect with them on LinkedIn. Further, provide your work samples to increase your chances of getting hired. It is an easy way to get freelance writing jobs for beginners.

Send them live links to your previous work. If you don’t have any work to show, make a few simulated web pages with Link-based access control. You can also use this portfolio while pitching for other web copywriting gigs. 

Simulated web pages: –  A web page designed to showcase work and has no functional use. Web designers and copywriters use them as portfolios.

Link-based access control: – It allows professionals to manage access to their simulated web pages.

5. Learn how to pitch: –

Don’t burden your recipient with a direct pitch. Remember, people don’t want to help someone who doesn’t give anything in return. Your pitch should be more about how you can help and less about what you want.

For example, if you are pitching to get featured as a guest writer, try this pitch.


I have been reading your blogs lately, and I am loving it. Especially, your post on [TITLE]. 

I am reaching out because I would love to contribute a guest post to [BLOG NAME]. Here are a few topics that I think can provide value to your readers.

  •       [BLOG IDEA 1]
  •      [BLOG IDEA 2]
  •     [BLOG IDEA 3]

I have gone through your guest blogging guidelines and will make sure to comply. 

Additionally, I will also support my content with backlinks from other niche websites.

If you’d like to review my work, check out my guest post on [LINK TO YOUR GUEST POST].

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Conclusion: –

Don’t limit yourself to a specific platform for finding freelancing gigs. As a beginner, you must keep an open mind. 

Not every business knows about freelancing platforms or job boards. They are just carrying on with their business dabbling with social media and CMS.

As a beginner, you must find businesses that need help and make yourself available to them. Offer them something they can afford. 

Remember, your focus should be to help them and not exploit them. This is how you build a meaningful relationship and get a client on retainer.

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